Bilateral Meetings
- 10.15 - 12.30 2019-09-20
- 13.15 - 15.40 2019-09-20
DescriptionUnion for silica industry represents the interests of the companies in silica industry. It cooperates with professionals (e.g. tilers) and publishes expert books.
Silikátový svaz zastupuje zájmy keramického průmyslu, spolupracuje s obkladači, vydává odborné publikace.
Silikátový svaz zastupuje zájmy keramického průmyslu, spolupracuje s obkladači, vydává odborné publikace.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Tiling and bricklaying
exchange of information
As a representant of the Union, I would welcome other stakeholders in order to exchange information in this field.
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- Other
tiling works offered
Wide spectre of tiling works offered