Petr Klimeš

Commercial Director
iSignus Ltd.

Bilateral Meetings

  • 10.15 - 12.30 2019-09-20
DescriptionDevelopment, design, production, selling, assembling and service of the orientation systems used for marking at historical centres of towns, modern districts, industrial areas and other public spaces. The unique system is patented and characterized by its durability, variability, high aesthetic value and long lifetime.
Vývoj, výroba, prodej, montáž a servis orientačních systémů pro obce, města, kampusy a další veřejné prostory. Tento unikátní systém je patentovaný a vyznačuje se dlouhou životností, variabilitou a estetičností.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design, construction engineering services

    Cultural heritage

      Transport & logistics



          Unique street orientation system.

          We offer patented street orientation systems used for marking at historical centres of towns, modern districts, industrial areas and other public spaces.