Lukáš Hrkeľ

Uni-builders s.r.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • 10.15 - 12.30 2019-09-20
  • 13.15 - 15.40 2019-09-20
DescriptionConstruction company operating mainly in Germany and the Czech Republic. We have lots of experiences in renovating and building the agriculture building or industrial halls (installation the trapezoidal metal sheet on roofs, assembly of sandwich panels, plumbing) and installation works (air conditions and fastening systems). We are also doing plasterboard, masonry, tiling and roofing work, all kinds or construction and reconstruction indoor and outdoor works.
Stavební společnost působící převážně v Německu a České republice. Máme mnoho zkušeností s renovací a výstavbou zemědělských budov nebo průmyslových hal (instalace lichoběžníkového plechu na střechy, montáž sendvičových panelů, instalatérské práce) a montážními pracemi (vzduchotechnika a upevňovací systémy). Provádíme také sádrokartonové, zednické, obkladačské a pokrývačské práce, stavební a rekonstrukční práce uvnitř a venku.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Construction of buildings

    Building installation works

      Floors, roofs and painting

        Tiling and bricklaying

          Maintenance, renovation and modernisation

            Sustainable constructions and Green buildings


              Construction works

              We offer our services: construction of prefabricated halls, thermal insulation of residential buildings and family houses, reconstruction and construction of industrial, office and agriculture buildings, masonry work, plasterboard work, tiling work, roofing work, etc.
              We are experienced construction company who search for new opportunities. We have more than 5 years experience in working at the building sector in Germany (we have German VAT number; we already know what administrative is necessary to be done; we speak German).