
Michal Kuzmič

Cooperation with industry
University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings

Bilateral Meetings

  • 13.15 - 15.40 2019-09-20
DescriptionResearch teams of the Centre specialise in these topics: architecture, design and environment; energy systems in buildings; indoor environment quality; innovative materials and structures of buildings; monitoring and control of intelligent buildings. 
Výzkumné týmy z Univerzitního centra energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT se zaměrují na tato témata: architektura a životní prostředí energetické systémy budov kvalita vnitřního prostředí materiály a konstrukce budov monitoring a řízení inteligentních budov.
Organization Type University, Other
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design, construction engineering services

    Construction materials

      Building 4.0

        Smart home

          Sustainable constructions and Green buildings

            Offer & Request

            We offer innovative solution to build smart, energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

            We are looking for partners in the field of architecture, design and environment;
            energy systems in buildings;
            indoor environment quality;
            innovative materials and structures of buildings; monitoring and control of intelligent buildings.

            Cooperation Offered
            1. Outsourcing co-operation
            2. Technical co-operation
            Cooperation Requested
            1. Technical co-operation
            2. License agreement
            3. Investment/Financing
            4. Other