Hubertus Scholze

Scholze Haustechnik GmbH

Bilateral Meetings

  • 10.15 - 12.30 2019-09-20
DescriptionThe company is located north of Dresden and was founded in 1990. Meanwhile we employ 35 employees and work already with foreign subcontractors. With numerous maintenance contracts and a broad customer service, we are experienced with the up to date technology and offer repairing and maintaining of sanitary and heating systems. 

Naše společnost založená v roce 1990, se nachází severně od Drážďan. Zaměstnáváme 35 pracovníků a spolupracujeme se zahraničními subdodavateli. Díky četným zakázkám na údržbu a rozsáhlému zákaznickému servisu máme zkušenosti s moderními technologiemi. Nabízíme opravy a údržbu sanitárních a topných systémů.

Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Building installation works

    Heating, chimney structures, air conditioning

      Maintenance, renovation and modernisation


        subcontracting for building services

        We are looking for support in the installation of heating, sanitary, ventilation and air-conditioning technology in the form of subcontractors.
        The subcontractors should provide partial services, for instance insulation, laying of insulation and underfloor heating.
        The subcontractors are needed for projects in Germany - mainly Saxony/Eastern Germany.

        Keywords: heatingsanitaryclimate control
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Other