Milan Kučera

Deco House Prague

Bilateral Meetings

  • 10.15 - 12.30 2019-09-20
DescriptionManufacture of high-quality home textile products of own unique design or according to client’s design as well. The company imprints cotton and polyester fabrics of various thicknesses and fabrics wide up to 170 cm.
Výroba vysoce kvalitních domácích textilií s vlastním designem nebo na přání klienta. Firma vytváří potisk na bavlněné, polyesterové tkaniny různé tloušťky až do 170 cm šíře.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design, construction engineering services

    Cultural heritage



        Home textile products, digital fabric imprint

        Company imprints cotton and polyester fabrics tailor-made or with own unique design of various thicknesses and fabrics wide up to 170 cm.